Manhole Rehabilitation | CIPM Manhole Rehab

Proven superior in acid resistance to other technologies in tests conducted by the Sanitation District of Los Angeles County, CIPM™ liners from Alternative Lining Technologies add years of utility to aging sewer structures while saving tens of thousands of dollars through rehabilitation rather than reconstruction.
Fabricated for each application, their patented design employs thermally fused PVC for protection against sewer-gas corrosion and ground-water infiltration
CIPM™ liners are then saturated epoxy resin, reinforced with fiberglass, pressure installed, and cured-in-place to form a corrosion resistant, reinforced structure that bonds to the host structure.
CIPM™ lining systems from Alternative Lining Technologies extend the life of manholes and lift stations by fifty years or more and come standard with a 20-year non-prorated warranty. No other rehab system provides the performance and confidence that CIPM™ liners do.